
Sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023
Sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023

sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023

After this past weekend's outage and DRM nightmare, delaying not just Redfall since I don't believe that would have mattered much in the grand scheme of things but also Starfield is just piling on after last weekend.


I believe that it will get a full one year delay just like Halo Infinite.ģ. I'm going on record right now and saying that Starfield will release in November 2023. If it shows like Halo Infinite in July 2020, they should pull it from the showcase in my opinion. Hoping the gameplay trailer in June at least looks good and the foundation is there. Obviously, this game must have some serious issues and people thought it was releasing in Fall 2021. This was going to be the first BGS game that I was going to play and give a legitimate chance to. Excluding a few hours of Fallout 4 years ago, I have never played a single BGS game. I am a fan of Arkane, Machine Games and Tango Gameworks though. As for the game itself, im not a Bethesda Game Studios fan. If you're not 100% certain no matter what, don't give a release date. Otherwise, why give a release date? Makes no sense to me. When you give an actual release date 18 months prior, in my mind, it's like, okay, they're extremely confident, you know like 100% fucking confident in hitting that date.

sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023

If there was one single game in 2022 that I didn't believe would get delayed to 2023, it was this game. If it's after June 2023, just wait until next June's showcase.Ģ. Hoping that there's NO release date for Redfall's gameplay trailer at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase because well, if the following game can have a release date 18 months and get delayed, then what's the point in announcing a release date now? I say show gameplay in June, hope it's a good showing and then wait until The Game Awards to announce a release date if it's before June 2023. When it releases in 2023 I guess is an entirely different conversation. Give them an extra six months and stay away from the packed Fall/Holiday season. I have said numerous times that I was always expecting Redfall to be delayed to 2023.

sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023

I hope I‘m wrong of course, but right now my expectations aren’t particularly high for a possible deep dive in the near future.ġ. Which means proper gameplay probably won‘t be shown until they‘re confident that it will impress people (so maybe the VGAs, or possibly even next year). In that case it would make sense for them not to wait until the showcase to announce the delay, since showing just a another trailer and announcing a delay at the same time would definitely not be well received. Wouldn’t it make more sense to announce Starfield‘s delay immediately after they’ve wowed everyone with an in-depth look at the gameplay? The bad news would’ve been mostly drowned out by all the excitement – assuming, of course, that the gameplay they‘ve showed looked great.Īnd that brings me to my question: what if whatever Bethesda was preparing to show just doesn’t look very good? I‘m sure Phil Spencer wants to avoid another first showing like Halo Infinite, so I wouldn‘t be surprised if all we‘re getting from Starfield during the XBox showcase is another in-engine trailer (maybe with a few gameplay snippets of the protagonist shooting at things, but that‘s it). The fact that they’re announcing this delay now, instead of waiting until their summer showcase, makes me wonder if we might not be getting that Starfield deep dive we were hoping for. They should really do something but they didn't do anything for launch to replace Halo Infinite so I doubt they will do anything to replace Starfield and to a much lesser extent Redfall. I'm not a fan of timed console exclusives but Microsoft should try to get Gotham Knights, Avatar or something exclusive for a year or at the very least, get them day one on Game Pass. I'm not expecting any exclusives this Fall for Xbox except for the Deathloop port.

sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023

Every time I think things are going pretty well, boom, a fuck up and here we are. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that this is a recurring issue. I had Hellblade 2 as the big November 2023 game but now, I'll be honest, I think every game gets pushed back at least six months if not more. I also remember people saying that Saturn was a 2D console with dual processors or some shit that was a pain in the ass to develop for while PlayStation was a 3D console that for the most part, easy to develop for. I bought it for $50!!! I was so happy!!! Since I didn't own it until then, I don't remember much from back then for Sega Saturn except for Sega releasing at $400 in July 1995 to get ahead of Sony's PlayStation and it didn t go well at all. I didn't own a Saturn until 2000 when I was working at Blockbuster and they happened to have a Saturn console brand new that was never rented.

Sdas starfield and redfall have been delayed to 2023